

Why Epoch HVLS Fans?

Why Epoch HVLS Fans?

Posted by Epoch HVLS Fans on Apr 20th 2020

Everyone wants to maximize the output and productivity of their companies and employees. There are so many factors that affect the output and productivity of the organization and these factors are ind … read more
HVLS Fans Using For Balanced Heat Distribution

HVLS Fans Using For Balanced Heat Distribution

Posted by EPOCH HVLS Fans on Apr 18th 2020

Hot air is lighter in weight than the cold air. Cold air settles down near the floor and hot air near the ceiling. This can create a problem in cold areas, hence the heating systems are usually locate … read more
EPOCH HVLS Fans: Best-in-Class Airflow

EPOCH HVLS Fans: Best-in-Class Airflow

Posted by EPOCH HVLS Fans on Apr 13th 2020

Air FlowIt is also called air supply or air delivery. This is something for which we usually buy HVLS Fans. However, we often don’t know the basic factors that determine the airflow and efficiency o … read more