Sick Building Syndrome
As the name itself suggests that it is a problem that is caused in the buildings due to enclosed spaces. Sick building syndrome (SBS) is attributed to poor indoor air quality. Sometimes identifying sick building syndrome can be difficult due to a wide range of symptoms. Sick Building Syndrome can affect your eyes, skin, respiratory and neurological systems and cause allergies. Some common symptoms can be throat irritation, nausea, headache, body aches, fever, etc and these symptoms can vary from person to person; Sick building syndrome affects everyone differently. However, everyone who spends time in a particular space might go through some of the above symptoms. If someone has allergies or respiratory illness, more severe symptoms can be observed. Let us consider an example, a person with asthma problems will have higher risks of asthma attacks due to sick building syndrome.
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, sick building syndrome is caused due to poor indoor air quality. And it is most prevalent in about 30% of new and remodeled buildings.
Image 1: Sick Building Syndrome
Causes of Sick Building Syndrome:
Sick building Syndrome is closely related to buildings and space designs. There are numerous possible causes of Sick building syndrome. Following are the major factors for Sick Building Syndrome:
1. Chemical Contaminants from Indoor Sources
Most of the indoor air pollution comes from sources inside the building. It may include adhesives, carpeting, xerox machines, cleaning agents and pesticides that emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Tobacco smoke also puts up a high level of VOCs. Research shows that some VOCs can cause health effects at higher concentrations.
2. Chemical Contaminants from Outdoor Sources
The outdoor air entering the building can be a source of indoor air pollution. It includes vehicle exhaust motor vehicle exhaust, plumbing vents, and building exhausts. These air pollutants enter the building through vents, windows, and other openings. Also, combustion products nearby garbage are also responsible for Sick Building Syndrome.
3. Biological contaminants
It includes bacteria, viruses, and molds. Sometimes insects and birds droppings can be also a source of biological contaminants.
4. Inadequate ventilation
Due to poor air ventilation rates in the building’s air pollutants, VOCs and the biological contaminants entering the building causes the problem of sick building syndrome.
Solutions for Sick Building Syndrome:
Unfortunately, you may not be able to tell if any indoor space has poor air quality that can make you sick. Still, you may be able to take preventive measures to reduce your risks of SBS.
Following are the solutions for Sick building syndrome:
1. Increasing Ventilation
Increasing air distribution can be a cost-effective means of reducing indoor pollutant levels. By increasing air movements, EPOCH HVLS fans can help, distribute moisture and dissipate the concentration of airborne contaminants. Moving large airflow across the floor of a building creates a comfortable, safe and productive work area. Also, EPOCH HVLS fans help to remove the concentration of bacteria, viruses and other biological contaminants. And EPOCH fans are the most efficient and economical compared to any other HVLS fans in the world.
2. Pollutant Source Removal
Pollutant source removal is an effective approach to resolve indoor air quality problems when sources are known and control is feasible. It also includes routine maintenance of HVAC systems (periodically cleaning of filters). Also the storage and use of paints, and adhesives in ventilated areas.
3. Education and Communication
Education and communication are important elements in preventive indoor air quality management programs. When building management and maintenance teams fully communicate and understand the causes of SBS, then they can work more effectively to prevent the problems regarding air quality.
Falco eMotors has an expert team to help the customers to select appropriate fans and provide installation guidance to reduce the contaminants, throw out the hot gases and allow fresh air. Hence reducing the risk of SBS.
If you want to know more, please contact our team and visit our website